Friday, April 10, 2009


A lot is going on right now (sorta). I could easily talk about everything, but at the same time I feel like I could easily talk about nothing at all.

Mainly what is draining me right now is work. The past two weeks at work have been crazy. And for the most part crazy bad. But as a big company, the higher ups of the world (my boss) try to put a positive spin on it. Two weeks ago the organization that I work for laid of 10 people. Thankfully I wasn't one of them, and I feel so blessed to still have my job. The Monday before these lay-offs happened I was in Austin. My boss called me while I was on vacation, frantic because he needed things that I already did for him, and I had put on his desk the Thursday before. Because I knew he would need these things, and because I knew I would be on vacation out of town on Friday and Monday.

This week as been a bunch of busy work. Making sure contacts are updated, new numbers are changed, getting all laptops returned, exit checklists completed, and the biggest pain of all. Moving people. We have 3 managers moving from our building in Littleton, to where I work in downtown Denver. This requires three different types of tickets, three different systems, and some more picky than the other. Let me give you an example. One system is call BOA (don't ask me what that stands for, because I don't know.) You complete a BOA to transfer someones phone number and voicemail box. Of course one of the things the BOA requires you to submit is the phone number you want transferred. Let's say you put in the phone number like this: 3035551212. You click submit. The BOA comes back and yells at you "Error: Phone number format invalid"(or something like that). You click the "Ok" box. What does the system do? Erase everything you have already imputed. So you have to start all over. Date: 04/10/09. And it has to be that format. Not 04-10-09, or 04.10.2009. Six digit, with a "/". The phone number has to be submitted like this: 303-555-1212. Needless to say this system is extremely picky, and if you get one thing wrong, and get an error, you have to start.all.over.again.

Ok, I'm done.


Nikki said...

I was really frustrated for you when your boss called you on your vacation. I really couldn't believe it. I am glad that you have a job in this tough time, it is a blessing. But I still feel your pain. That system sounds infuriating.

By the way, I love your comment about twilight. I feel the same way. I can't wait to read it.

Emily said...

Stuff like that is SO FRUSTRATING. I'm sorry about feeling drained, hope things get better soon.

Rachel said...

We've got a program at my office, too, that if there's one 'error' the entire page must be re-entered. Arg! I feel your pain! I hope you feel more refreshed and less drained soon. :-)

fotobug said...

Same lay off thing happened to my husband.... he too is one of the lucky ones that didn't get laid off! Count your blessings. <3 That is what we do everyday.... and I suppose getting a call on your vacation is something to be thankful for, at least you were one of the lucky ones to still have a job. :o)