Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tuesday Night get Togethers & an update

Patty & I
One of the funnest memories I have while living in Colorado is while I was in training at Qwest, which was almost 6 years ago. The training was 4 months long, so you end up creating friendships with those people who are in your class. Well, in my class I created a friendship with 3 other people. Coincidentally us 4 are the only ones left still working for Qwest. Before long the 4 of us became very close, and hanging out "after hours". We created a tradition of what we called "tuesday night get togethers". We would always hang out and party on Tuesday nights. It was so much fun, and has created life long fun memories. (plus it was at one of these tuesday nights that I met my ex.) Well as the years have gone on, so have our individual lives. Well one of my co-workers moved to Iowa 4 years ago. Patty was in town this weekend for her nieces wedding, and I got to spend some time with her and her family today. Patty is one of those people that you can easily talk to, and be completely honest with. That is mainly because she creates that atmosphere around herself. She is honest and open with you too. It was great to see her, and I truly miss her friendship. It was great to reconnect with an old friend.

In other news, not too sure what is going on with P and I. We had a fabulous night Friday night. Then things took a wrong turn during a long conversation we had Saturday. When I went to go see him on Saturday night, you could tell their was a weirdness in the air. Saturday night things didn't end so well when I left his place after he fell asleep. This morning he called me while I was still sleeping, I called him back right before I went to the gym, then again when I got back from the gym. He has yet to call. me. back. I feel like he is playing games, and that he wants me to call him again to "beg" him to talk to me. Because he feels that I did something wrong. And it is fine that he feels that way, but I don't feel like I did something wrong. I've called him twice, left him two voice mails, and this is the first time he has taken this long to call me back. I feel sad, because things were going so great on Friday, and now here I am.


Emily said...

In college my roommates and I did a Tuesday night card night. We'd invite tons of people over, have loads of food, and just play games. I know most people in college probably drank and partied, but this was the best party a mormon could come up with. And we LOVED it. Seriously some of my best memories were those nights spent with friends playing games. So I know what you mean. How nice that you got to be with a friend.

Emily said...

As for the dude, I'm sorry things aren't great today. You've done your part. I'd wait to hear from him if I were you. But I'm not you. So do whatever you want. I hope it works out how you want it to!

Nikki said...

I am glad that you have such a great friend. I am sorry to hear that about Mr. P. I'll be thinking about you. Hope things get resolved for you two.

Anonymous said...

So good to see the pic of you and Patty.

Hope you resolve some good feelings with P.

Hope your week goes well.

Love Mom