Monday, July 6, 2009

7 years

Yesterday was a special anniversary for me. July 5th is the day I moved to Denver, 7 years ago. I remember the 4 weeks leading up to this move in great detail. At the time this move was perfect for me, everything feel into place so fast that I didn't have to time to question it. It is weird to think that I moved here as a young 20-something, and that I am now almost 30. I've had countless memories here in Denver over the pat 7 years. Majority of the great ones are the times I spent with my friends and family while visiting me. I've had 3 jobs since living here, I've lived in a total of 3 apartments and 1 house. What's weird is that I don't really feel like I have a place to call "home". On some level New Mexico will always be my home, because I was born there, and lived there for 22 years, but having been in Colorado for 7 years I feel like that is a significant amount of time. But I definitely don't feel like Colorado is home either. Who knows what the future holds, but I am looking forward to the journey.


Emily said...

Congrats on your anniversary! That's a big deal!

Nikki said...

You have been there for 7 years, that's pretty amazing. I remember visiting you when you had just moved there, it was a lot of fun to see you in your new place. I still have to swing by to see your house.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you are looking forward to more of your journey.
And hope more to come your way that's full of good memories and of course, finding that your home is where your heart is.
And that discovering to come your way soon also.
