Thursday, May 14, 2009

Not this Week

I seriously have nothing to write about. I can't think of a thing. Well I can, but that requires uploading a bunch of pictures and right now I'm too lazy to do that.

This week I'm only going to get in 5 workouts. I took off the past 2 days! I went and got a facial and eye brow wax in preparation for my Florida trip next week. I'll shoot for the 6 workouts once I get back.

I'm feeling very stuck right now in my progress. But almost 2 or 3 times a week now I'll see someone and they will tell me I look good. Which of course is great to hear. Specifically since I was just starting to question if all of this work was doing absolutely nothing.

Ok, that's all.


fotobug said...

When ever I feel like I am stuck in a rut my coach would tell me to give it two more weeks....

.....never give up April. Looking at your past pictures you are doing amazing. I can see a change in you!!!

Emily said...

I have that same problem, but in my case it's actually true. There is no difference in what I'm doing and I'm so frustrated. But I'll keep going if you do!