Monday, November 23, 2009

the in between

i had a "New Moon" sandwich weekend. meaning it started with "New Moon" and ended with "New Moon". here are all the fabulous memories Kari and I shared in between.
Kari is my very wise older cousin who is also one of my bestest friends. When she told me she was going to come up from Albuquerque to see "New Moon" with me i was thrilled!

This is Kari and I waiting in the movie theater for the
12:01am 11/20/09 showing of "New Moon"!
On Friday we had a leisurely day getting pedicures,
and going shopping at Flatirons.
We then had a fabulous dinner at the Village Tavern.
We had delicious drinks and a yummy dessert!

Saturday we included my friend Ginny on our outing to Denver.
We had a tasty breakfast at Snooze where we met these two woman who met up in Denver - one from Portland and the other from Australia! While we were all waiting for a table outside we ended up talking and when they got seated at a big table they invited us to join them!
It was a lot of fun.

After breakfast Ginny, Kari, and I went to Cherry Creek for some shopping.
I'm happy to report I got a jump start on what will be my new bedroom!

That night we went to a place I had never been to before. And I love going to new places.
Vesta Dipping Grill.
It's a little bit different, and a lot good!
The weekend was so much fun. Kari and talked about anything, everything, and nothing. It's such a blessing to have a friend that is also family because they truly know the levels from which you come from. I treasure my time with all my friends and this one will definitely go down as lots and lots of fun!


Anonymous said...

April, I had such a good time with you this weekend! Can't wait for Eclipse to come out!! Love ya and thank you for everything!

Love Kari

Nikki said...

Fun, it's true, Kari is very wise. I am glad you had so much fun. I am also glad that you were able to chat and catch up in person. Love you both!

Emily said...

Sounds like just the best weekend ever! I love visits like that with good food and good talking. Awesome.

fotobug said...
