Friday, January 30, 2009

Curly Hair

I have curly hair. But I rarely do it curly. Usually it is a curly hair day when I'm running late, because it takes like 2 minutes to do. Well this week was a 2 day curly hair week. I got some funny comments I wanted to share, from some of my co-workers this week at work, and thought I would share.
  • One of my bosses directors said "Your hair looks kinky." Kinky, really? What does that mean, I wonder?!
  • One white guy said to me "I like your new lid." I said "What?" He said "I like your new lid, you did something different with your hair, right?" Since when is hair, a lid?!
  • Another woman said to me "Your hair. You. Didn't. Straighten. It." Nope, I didn't.
It was interesting. I tried to take pictures of my hair from the back, and well it didn't really work, before the battery on my camera died. So below is the best out of the few that I got.


Emily said...

cute! i like it! i bet he meant your hair had "kinks" in it.

Rachel said...

lol, lid, hahaha, that's so funny! and, sometimes I wish my lid had a bit of curl, I have to say!

It always amazes me what some people say. I like your curls. :-)

Nikki said...

Well, I've always liked your hair. Weird what some people say sometimes.