Friday, January 2, 2009

107 vs. 25

Well as usual my New Year's Resolution is to be healthy, lose weight etc... Get myself to the gym, eat healthy-or more realistically watch what I eat, and portion control. Portion control is super hard for me. But here's to trying.

I believe I've mentioned in previous blogs that I put a "w" on my calendar to mark days I've gone and worked out. If I haven't mentioned it before, that is what I do. I like it because it keeps me accountable and when a month/year is over with I can see how many days I went to the gym. I've been doing this since I first joined a gym 8 years ago! I am sad to report that majority of those 8 years have had little time spent at the gym(obviously). I think out of those 8 years I've only had 3 or 4 good consecutive runs of going to the gym, and the most any one run has had I believe was maybe 6 months long. The last time I had a really good run was 5 years ago, and that was for 4 months. What I define as a good consecutive run: going to the gym 5 days a week.

Last night I was swapping out my calendars, going through and marking every one's birthday's on my 2009 calendar and marking pay days and holidays. When I was done updating the new calendar, I counted up all of the days I worked out in 2008. 2008 had 107 days of work outs. And I think only 2 months with no days spent at the gym. Then I decided to go count my days for 2007 to compare. 2007 had only 25 days at the gym! And many months with absolutely no gym time! So the good news is, 2008 was much better. And the goal is to make 2009 even better! I'll set that 2009 will have at least a total of 150 days in the gym, that's an average of 12 days a month. Ideally I would like to be in the gym 20 days a month, but I want to be realistic. Factor in holidays, vacations, etc... Plus, I have to leave something for 2010!

I'll write more about 2008 and what I hope 2009 will bring. But I'll end with a request from you to help with my goal of being healthy in 2009. I had this idea back in November and thought it would be good specifically as a New Year's resolution. To write a blog each time I go the gym, so that way you(the people who read my blog) can keep me accountable as well. My hope is to run out of things to blog about! And I'm sure their will be a few blogs that will just say, "Go me, I worked out today!" or something to that effect. So you'll know that if I write a blog, you know I worked out. And if a week has passed with no new posting, well that means I'm being lazy!(not good.) Usually my pattern of going to the gym and trying to lose weight is done by myself. Now granted, it is safe to say I do most things by myself, but in regards to going to the gym I need help. And this time around I'm asking for help. (this is me, asking for help.) So this is my trying to change my past pattern's in the hope that my results will be better than what the past as brought me!

I think in the past I've been scared to ask for help. That I kept it a secret I was trying to lose weight. Mainly because if you fail, it is obvious that you have failed(because I'm not thinner, look the same, or have even gained weight). And of course I don't want to be known as a failure. And plus in general in our society it is viewed as a weakness to ask for help(in my opinion anyways). But I know I need to do something different in order for this goal to be realized, and I'm going to do what I feel I need to do to make it happen. I suppose my point is, this isn't easy for me~asking for help, putting this out their.

Now unfortunately I don't think I'm going to start this new pattern off to a good start, because I don't think I'll be able to go the gym today, but we will definitely start this tomorrow!

In advance thank you so much for your support!


mrs. reynolds said...

Hey April! Found you! I too am trying to get myself to the gym this year. I've decided to try spinning classes. I'm also going to quit eating. No, just kidding. I'll be your support! Starting today, I'm about to get myself out of the house and get to Gold's to sign up. Go Girlie! You can do it! And then we'll eat salad!

Emily said...

Good for you! i have a hard time setting goals because of my fear of failure. I'll totally help you out.

Rachel said...

I like your plan! And I'll try to help as best I can. :-) Maybe I should resolve to only blog after the day's laundry is put away......

How was your weekend? Oh, and I'd like to just do penpals with you for now - if things go well, then we'll try to do it with your friend's boys,too. I'm afraid I'll get ahead of myself if I do too much too soon. :-)

Nikki said...

Be sure to mark your Calendar w when you come to visit. We'll make sure to take some good walks! It will be more fun together :)

fotobug said...

April, I just blogged about new year goals on my blog. I think it's overwhelming to look at the entire year as a whole. What helped me loose 45pounds (and keep it off!) was to take each day at a time. Everytime you work out it doesn't have to be this insane workout at the gym. It can be as simple as parking your car in the furthest spot at the grocery store. Take each day for what it is and tomorrow can be worried about when it gets here. I believe in you.... always have. <3