Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Plum Spooky"

I recently finished "Plum Spooky" by Janet Evanovich. I absolutely love this series, and I highly recommend it. It is fun, witty, and suspenseful all wrapped into one book! Each book at some point or another I seriously laugh out loud. My fabulous friend Tina got this book for me for my birthday. At the last minute she heard about a book signing the author was having in Tampa and drove the hour to get two signed books. One for me, and one for her! I think it is the coolest thing ever. I've never had an auther sign one of my books, and the fact that is an author that I've been reading for so long, and an author that I truly love their work, I was just tickled pink when I openned up the gift! And I don't really like pink all that much! ;) So if you are in the mood for a fun and easy read check out Stephanie Plum and her bounty hunter adventures!


Nikki said...

That is really an awesome gift from Tina. I thought the Stephanie Plum book I read was pretty hilarious, thanks for getting me into them, April.

Anonymous said...

Look forward to borrowing this book next time I'm in Denver.
