Saturday, December 19, 2009


so you know when you plan a day to the minute, and one thing goes wrong, and it just throws off your whole day? ...that's my day today. so in advance i do apologize because i'm going to go off a little bit of a rant here.
i'm flying home to Albuquerque this afternoon. my whole reasoning behind selecting the afternoon flight was so that i could go to my hydro water class this morning at the gym, and have a relaxed day and not be in such a rush to get to the airport like years in the past.
so i woke up this morning to go to my swim class (i woke up a especially early on friday so that i could shave my legs in preparation for this swim class{TMI, i know, but it's ok deal with it}) i arrive a little bit early, and i'm about to get into the water when a woman comes out of the aquatics office to tell me the class has been canceled and that it was posted on that sucks. seriously. i go back into the locker room tell the girls that i see regularly at this class the bad news.
now when i do this class on saturday mornings i obviously don't have my normal workout clothes because i workout in my swim suit. and after this class on saturday's i take a shower and get ready at the gym.
so i go home, change into workout clothes and go back to the gym. now i had an agenda for my day, so needless to say i only got in 35 minutes on the elliptical which to me barely even counts as a full workout. i left the gym, got ready at home, got a quick breakfast, mailed a return, stopped by the grocery store, and got my eye brows waxed.
i am now obviously home, finished packing in time to write this blog.
now lets get to the point. the point is, the gym should have better communicated with its members that this class was canceled. i don't check everyday if hardly ever. now i understand you can't please everyone. but if a sign was posted at the front desk i would have known, i was at the gym wednesday, thursday, and friday. in this world where communication is as advanced as it is, sometimes i feel like we are going backwards. and times like this the original form of communication should have been used. the instructors could have made an announcement at the beginning of there classes, a sign could have been posted. simple things. with no advanced technology needed.
all in all of course it was fine. and i do love my gym. i am just frustrated that i only got in a 35 minute workout. but life will go on.


Nikki said...

That is frustrating. And I am impressed that you did a 35 min elliptical after going home and changing. That's dedication. I don't think I've ever used the elliptical for that long, so that is also very impressive.

Emily said...

so frustrating. but you're one up on me for sure--going home to change and going BACK? Never would've happened in my world.

Here's an idea: next time just do it in your swimsuit.

Or even better, make yourself late to the airport so you have to run to your flight, thus getting 15 more minutes of cardio in your day.

April said...

oh Emilly you do NOT want to see me in my swimsuit, let alone working out on an elliptical in my swimsuit. that would be bad, so very very bad.