Monday, May 21, 2012

366 days ago

our first picture together ~ camping June 2011
366 days ago it was Saturday May 21, 2011. (remember we had Leap Day back in February.) I’m pretty sure I started out the day at the gym, followed by a Baby Shower for my friend Sarah. While on the drive home that afternoon I called my current fiancé for the first time. He didn’t answer the phone, so I left a message. He shortly called me back and I remember sitting on my couch having our first phone conversation. I was anxious about officially meeting him, but didn’t want to seem too pushy, so when he said he had plans to meet up with a friend to go watch some basketball play-off game I didn’t get my hopes up. After we got off the phone a few text messages were exchanged, and before I knew it he had canceled his plans to meet me downtown.

We went to the Blake Street Vault and had dinner. For the most part conversation was easy, although I think I thought he wasn’t all that interested because I was the one asking most of the questions. No major sparks flew, but now I know it was the start of something beyond my wildest dreams. The next day was date number two. We met downtown again. This time with a trip to Starbucks, followed by sitting on the grass by the clock tower. I think we were there for 2 or 3 hours, just talking. Getting to know one another and telling stories. I knew my feelings were intensifying when I wanted him to kiss me. Later when he walked me to my car to say good-bye we shared that first kiss. Little did I know that would be my last first kiss, or that you would be proposing at the clock tower in six months!

Later that week you texted me, asking me if you could take me out again. We met after work, downtown for some sushi. I was a little bit nervous for this date. My feelings were growing, and so was my fear. I remember telling you about my weight loss and my blog on this date. It was a big moment for me. Although small, a huge part of me and my life are those two things. I was slowly letting you in.

That weekend you left for Nebraska to see your family over Memorial Day. We touched base a couple of times, and then rather than driving home, you drove to my house. I think I cooked you dinner, and we cuddled on the couch a little.

Later that week was our date to Wine and Cheese. The highlight being when you spilled some red wine on me! I could tell you were nervous about how I would react. But that you were pleasantly surprised when I just laughed it off and said that it was ok.

Over the course of the following month we saw each other quite a bit. By the end of June we were “official”, you had met my group of friends, and told me you loved me.

Chris, you have changed my life. The past year has been so many things. You have given me everything that I’ve always wanted and everything I didn’t know that I needed. You told me this past weekend that you will be the man to make all of my dreams come true. You already have. The love and fun that you give me every single day makes me so lucky.

Thank you so much for showing me your love and allowing me to love you. I look forward to all of our time together (past, present and future) and all of the moments that we will have.  Thanks for being so normal.  That seems odd to say.  But you said early on that you weren't going anywhere, and I truly appreciate your consistency. 

The past year that we have shared together is just a small glimmer for what is to come, but I’ll always remember this time and cherish it. I love you.


Emily said...

How sweet! I love that you remember and wrote down all of those special first moments together.

Anonymous said...

I love, love your narrative; just makes me cry with
wonderful warm feelings and happiness beyond words can describe. Just saying.

Thank you for prayers answered and making me the
most proud MOT-B

Summer said...

So sweet. It's amazing what happens in a year!

sarahlove said...

Gushing over with AWEEEEEEEE

My word girl, look at your quad muscle! I KNOW you can run more than a mile non-stop with that pretty looking muscle. It's the muscle in your mind that's telling you differently. Slowly let that idea in too?

You let the idea of Chris in, maybe it works the same way. ;)


Rachel said...

such a beautiful story! thank you for sharing. :-)