Thursday, January 31, 2013

all kinds of crazy

i'm in love with this entryway.


to buy girl scout cookies?
or to not buy girl scout cookies?
that is the question.
and of course,
the answer is:
buy girl scout cookies!


i forgot to wear my
on monday.


i had a dream tuesday night that i was with
kourtney kardasian in
las vegas looking for a movie theater
so we could go see
"sex and the city III".
and i was thinking why would we go see that movie,
because the second one wasn't that great?


i really need to
paint my nails.


we have no plans to watch
the superbowl
on sunday.


i never thought i would have
yellow kitchen.


i love this quote that my friend erin shared with me on facebook this week:
"those who love you are
not fooled by mistakes
you have made or dark
images you hold about yourself.
they remember your beauty when you
feel ugly; your wholeness
when you are broken;
your innocence when you
feel guilty; and your
purpose when
you are confused"
~alan cohen


i had a middle school
embarrassing moment yesterday.
but it provided me some quality time with a friend,
and some bargain shopping.
i got a nice pair of Gap dress pants, a sweater, and a top,
all for $41!


i think i'm starting to like
one direction.


i'm having difficulty getting into
"life of pi".
has anyone read it?  is it good?



Emily said...

I hated Life of Pi. But if you're set on reading it, skip part 1 and just go to part 2 where he gets on the boat. I think it's page 100 or 105.

How many yellow kitchens have you had?

Come over here, we're having a Superbowl Party!

Summer said...

I really like life of pi. But I'm a crazy person.
I like yellow.
Ya,we'll be skipping the superbowl too.
I love stripes, but I doubt I'll everhave the confidence to paint them

Anonymous said...

Don't give up on Life of Pi!

sarahlove said...

Now I want stripes. Love that. I am thinking pink and grey!